
jet has landed

jet; solo art show saturday october 6, 7pm @ Pink Ghost in Ft. Lauderdale

Please put away your tray tables and return your seat to it’s upright position JET is ready for take off. In preparing for a first solo show at Pink Ghost JET’s busy thinking up a way to reuse the refuse placed neatly next to the dumpster. Lashing together various bits of plywood cardboard and copper and coating them with magic Viking blood should make up the bulk of her new pieces. ANXIETY captures the spirit of the newest release, a nervous bittersweet illustrative style reminiscent of classic science fiction pulp. It creeps and crawls but is cozy and soft like a mold culture grown under a pair of gym socks tucked into the folds of your favorite blanket. Of course some of the old ghosts of JET’s street art past will certainly rise up to be recognized including, Fat Robot, Luchas, Angst ridden teens and others likely to be affiliated with a circus side show. So if you fancy stickers seen on the street, like scraps of cardboard and wood with fresh coats of spray paint or have a soft spot for creepy comic books JET has something in store for you starting Saturday October 6th @ Pink Ghost. Cupcakes vino and tunes will accompany this Danish delight.

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